
Evaluación de los niveles de emisión de cloruro de hidrogeno en plantas incineradoras de residuos sólidos urbanos
Roca, F.J., Filella, M.
XXI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, ISBN 84-398-7485-5, pp. 577, Santiago de Compostela. Septiembre, 1986.
Simultaneous non-continuos determination of hidrogen chloride and chlorine in stack gas. A comparative study
Filella, M., Roca, F.J.
16th Annual Symposium on the Analytical Chemistry of Pollutants, Lausanne, Marzo, 1986
Particulate emission monitoring in fuel-oil steam plants by isokinetic sampling and scanning electron microscopy
Roca, F.J., Filella, M.
Envirotech, Viena, Febrero, 1989
The complexation chemistry of some currently used chelating agents revisited
Filella, M., Roca, F.J.
Pilsen Medical Report, 62, pp.195-196, Pilsen, 1990.
Hot gases desulfurization in a high pressure fluidized-bed using commercial zinc titanate as a sorbent
Manyà, J., Sanchez, G., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
7th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Octubre, 1996
Energy recovery from waste wood and biomass by gasification
Pan, Y.G., Oliver, M., Blasco, N., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
7th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Octubre, 1996
Determinación por cromatografia de gases de las curvas de ruptura en la desulfurización de los gases procedentes de la gasificación de carbón
Roca, F.J., Sanchez, G., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, Octubre, 1996
Removal of Tar by Secondary Air in Fluidized-Bed Gasification of residual biomass
Pan, Y.G., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
ICCS’97 9th International Conference on Coal Science, Essen, Septiembre, 1997
Removal of Tar by Secondary Air in Fluidized-Bed Gasification of residual biomass and coal
Pan, Y.G., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
2nd UK Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications, Nottingham, Septiembre, 1998
Valorización de maderas residuales mediante gasificación en lecho fluidizado
Manyà, J., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
VI Congreso de Ingenieria Ambiental, Bilbao, Febrero, 1999
Study for Pyrolysis Gas Composition in Fluidised Bed gasification of Woody Biomass
Pan, Y.G., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
Tenth International Conference on Coal Sciences’99, Shangai, Agosto, 1999
Minimización del impacto de emisiones industriales en àreas urbanas (control de olores)
Roca, F.J.
1ª Jornada de Tecnologies per al tractament d'emissions de gasos(IQS), Barcelona, 2000
Optimización de un método analítico para la determinación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) en aire exterior/interior
Berenguer, M.J.,Cid,J.,Guardino, F.X., Roca, F.J.
Jornadas Análisis Instrumental, Noviembre 2002
Design and development of a control system for odours and volatile organic compounds (VOC) from industrial and waste treatment processes
Roca, F.J., Folch, J., Corruchaga, A., Cid, J., Puigjaner, L.
9º Congreso Mediterráneo de Ingeniería Química, pp.400, Noviembre 2002
Biomass gasification using BFB reactor technology
Perales, J.F., Yin Gang, P., Velo, E., Manyà, J., Roca, F.J., Puigjaner, L.
9º Congreso Mediterráneo de Ingeniería Química, pp.397, Noviembre 2002
Optimización de un método analítico para la determinación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) en aire exterior/interior
Berenguer, M.T., Cid, J., Guardino, F.X., Roca, F.J.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, Noviembre 2002
Passive and active sampling of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in outdoor/indoor air monitoring
Berenguer, M.T., Cid, J., Guardino, F.X., Roca, F.J.
3rd Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Almeria. Noviembre 2003
Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Study of Absorption of H2S from Coal Gas with Regenerable Solid Sorbent for Advanced Power Generation Systems Perales
J.F., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
53rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Industry, Energy & Environment. 6th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction,Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, p. 136. ISBN/ISSN: 0-920804-36-5, 2003
Simultaneous active-passive sampling of VOCs at different outdoor/indoor environments.Field evaluation
Berenguer, M.T., Ribes, S., Guardino, X,., Roca, F.J.
4rd Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Madrid. Noviembre 2004
Study of odor episodes using analytical and modelling approaches
Soriano, C., Roca, F.J., Alarcón, M.
27th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, Banff (Canada), Octubre 2004
Simulation of Pressure Fluctuations in Bubbling Fluidized Beds
Perales, J.F., Puigjaner, L. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, p. 321-326. ISBN/ISSN: 0-8169-0965-2, 2004
Kinetic study of the thermal degradation of waste wood in air atmospheres
Reina, J., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
Science in thermal and Chemical biomass conversion PYNE IEA Bioenergy, Vancouver island, Septiembre, 2004
Study of odour episodes in urban areas through metheorological data, chemical control and numerical simulation
Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Ribes, S, Carrera, G., Soriano, C., Alarcon, M, Guardino, X, Berenguer, M.J.
Congreso del Mediterráneo de Ingeniería Química, p. 418, Barcelona, Noviembre 2005
Volatile organic compounds determination in the air a Catalonian municipality (Banyoles)
Ribes, S., Carrera, G., Roca, F.J., Berenguer, M.J., Guardino, X.
Congreso del Mediterráneo de Ingeniería Química, p. 416, Barcelona, Noviembre 2005
Development and validation of a method for air quality and nuisance odors monitoring of volatile organic compounds using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desorption system
Ribes, S., Carrera, G., Berenguer, M.J., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X.
Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona, 2005.
Validation of Impact Maps Obtained with Dispersion Models through Neigbourgh Annotations of Annoyance, and Chemical Analysis
Perales, J.F., Ribes, A., Carrera, G., Puigjaner, L., Roca, J.F.
AICHE 2005 Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, 2005.
La qualitat de l’aire en àrees urbanes
Roca, J.F., Perales, J.F., Gallego, E.
V Jornades de divulgació científica i Tecnològica de l’ETSEIB, Barcelona, 2007
Odour episodes analysis and indoor air quality (IAQ) by TD-GC/MS in sick building syndrome (SBS) processes
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Guardino, X.
VI Scientific meeting of the spanish society of chromatography and related techniques, Vigo, 2006
Analysis of volatile orgànic compounds in a composting facility using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desorption system
Berenguer, M.J., Torrado, S., Ribes, A., Guardino, X., Roca. F.J.
SECyTA 2007 :VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Granada, 2007
Detection and quantification of isocyanatocyclohexane and isothiocyanatocyclohexane levels in urban and industrial areas
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales, F.J., Ribes, A., Carrera, G., Guardino, X., Berenguer, M.J.
SECyTA 2007 :VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Granada, 2007
Participació ciutadana en processos de control per la millora de la qualitat de l’aire
Roca, J.F., Perales, J.F., Gallego, E.
Recull de ponències B-37084-2007, I Congrés UPC Sostenibilitat 2015, Juliol , Barcelona, 2007
Emission control of volatile of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the process of soy grain drying to determine the start of spontaneous combustion processes
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
11 Congreso del Mediterráneo de Ingenieria Química, p. 30, Barcelona (2008)
Development and validation of a method for air-quality and nuisance odours monitoring of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) using ATD-GC/MS
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales J.F., Rosell, M.G., Guardino, X.
Jornadas Análisis Instrumental, Barcelona (2008)
Elaboració de mapes de predicció d’impactes aplicats al disseny de xarxes de control i planificació territorial
Perales, J.F, Roca, F.J., Gallego, E.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015, Juliol,, Barcelona (2009)
Identification and Quantification of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) And Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Operating Theatres where Electronic Surgery Devices were used
Rosell, M.G.; Torrado, S.; Orriols, R.; Gallego, E.
SECyTA 2009 :IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, p. 107, San Sebastian (2009)
Evaluation of Radiello diffusive sampler indicated for thermal desorption for measuring VOCS in ambient air
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Torrado, S., Guardino, X.
International Conference Measuring Air Pollutants by diffussive sampling and other low cost techniques, Cracòvia, 14-17 september (2009)
Analysis of volatile organic compounds in a waste collection centre using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desorption system
Torrado, S., Rosell, M.G., Gallego, E.
SECyTA 2009 :IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, p. 83, San Sebastian (2009)
Comparative of the adsorption performance of a multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Tenax TA adsorbent tube for the analysis of VOCS
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales J.F., Guardino, X., Rosell, M.G.
SECyTA 2009 :IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques, p. 61, San Sebastian (2009)
Comparative study of the adsorption performance of a multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Radiello diffusive sampler for the analysis of volatile organic compounds
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales J.F., Guardino, X., Rosell, M.G.
28th International Symposium on Chromatography, pp.646, Valencia (2010)
Evaluation of work-related volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exposition in automotive painting cabins industrial cleanings
Rosell, M.G., Carrasco, A., Gallego, E.
VIII Congreso Internacional de prevención de riesgos laborales-ORP 2010, p. 647,Valencia (2010)
Impact maps of immission for air contaminants from process plants: Modelling and validation results using chemical analysis
Perales, J.F., Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X.
AICHE 2010, Salt Lake City (2010)
Assessment of chemical hazards in non-residential dwellings affected by sick building syndrome. Monitoring and identification of volatile orgànic compounds (VOC) concentrations and their origin through TD-GC/MS
Perales, J.F., Gallego, E., Roca, F.J.
SMART CITIES, Expo world congres Barcelona 29 novembre-2 desembre (2011)
Determinación de COVs en el ambiente interior de una planta de tratamiento mecánico biológico y su contribución a las unidades de olor y la calidad del aire
Santos G., Gallego, E., Roca, F.J.
BIOMETA 2012, 24 de abril, Barcelona (2012)
Determinación de las unidades de olor mediante control químico (Covs) en el ambiente interior de plantas de tratamiento mecánico biológico
Santos, G., Gallego, E., Roca, F.J.
CONAMA (Congreso Nacional de Medioambiente), 26-30 Noviembre, Madrid (2012)
Human health risk assessment of a closed landfill based on direct gas measurements
Jubany, I., Gallego, E., Giménez, F.J., Roca, F.J., De Pablo, J.
Goldschmidt13, 25-30 agost, Firenze (2013)
Volatile methyl siloxanes concentrations in air in several locations of the Tarragona industrial Areas
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X., Gadea, E.
SECYTA 2014, 1-3 de octubre, Barcelona (2014)

VOC and odorous emissions from cannabic clubs in Barcelona City

Gallego, E., Teixidor, P., Perales, J.F., Roca, F.J., Gadea, E.

IWA Odours, 25-27 Setembre, Warsaw (Polonia) (2017)

Outdoor air 1,3-butadiene monitoring near a petrochemical industry using passive Radiello samplers and active multi-sorbent tubes

Gallego, E., Teixidor, P., Perales, J.F., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X., Gadea, E.

Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental-SECYTA, 3-5 Octubre, Barcelona (2017)