Journal articles and participation in conferences

Emissions Industrials a l’Atmosfera. Llur Control
Roca, F.J.,
Butll.Soc. Cat.Cien., 7, pp. 445-453, Barcelona, 1986.
Evaluación de los niveles de emisión de cloruro de hidrogeno en plantas incineradoras de residuos sólidos urbanos
Roca, F.J., Filella, M.
XXI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, ISBN 84-398-7485-5, pp. 577, Santiago de Compostela. Septiembre , 1986.
Caracterización de partículas sólidas
Coll, T.; Perales, J.F.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.
Ingeniería Química, 1989.
The complexation chemistry of some currently used chelating agents revisited
Filella, M., Roca, F.J.
Pilsen Medical Report, 62, pp.195-196, Pilsen, 1990.
Llit fluiditzat circulant: velocitats de transició
Perales, F.; Nicolai, R; Coll, T.; Puigjaner, L; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.
Libro ISBN: 84-7653-068-4, pp.111-118, 1990.
The prediction of transport velocity in fast fluidized beds
Perales, J.F.; Coll, T.; Llop, M.F.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.
LAVOISIER TECHNIQUE ET DOCUMENTATION, ISBN:2-85206-743-9, pp. 47-54, 1990.
On the transition from bubbling to fast fluidization regimes
Perales, F.; Coll, T.; Llop, M; Puigjaner, L.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.,
Libro ISBN:0080405088, Pergamon Press, pp. 73-78, 1991.
Coal pyrolisis: TG study and kinetic modelling
Coll, T.; Perales, J.F.; Arnaldos, J.; Casal, J.
Termochimica Acta, pp. 53-62, V.162, 1992.
H2S Cleaning in hot gas from pressurized gasifiers using sorbents in bubling and circulating fluidized beds: theoretical modeling and experimental validation
Perales J.F., L.M. López, Y.G. Pan, J. Manyà, E. Velo, L. Puigjaner
Fluidization ISBN: 84-7585-925-9, pp. 469-476, 1997.
Particle balance in fluidized systems under continuous and discontinuous variations of the variables determining the population and residence time
Perales, J.F.; Puigjaner, L.
Fluidization ISBN: 84-7585-925-9, pp. 165-173, 1997.
Removal of Tar by Secondary Air Fluidized Bed gasification of Residual Biomass
Ying Gan Pan, Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
ICCS’97 pp. 1307-1310, P &W Druck und Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-931850-21-8, septiembre, 1997
Balance de partículas en sistemas continuos. Variables que definen la población y la distribución de tiempos de residencia
Perales, J.F.; Puigjaner, L.,
Información Tecnológica , pp. 351-358, V. 9, 1998.
Tecnologies de gasificació. Aprofitament energètic de residus
Perales, J.F. ; Puigjaner, L.
ISBN: 84-89727-53-8, pp. 181-222, 1998.
Removal of tar by secondary air in fluidised bed gasification of residual biomass and coal
Pan, Y.G., Roca, F.J., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
Fuel, 78, pp. 1703-1709, Abril, 1999.
Fluidized-Bed Co-Gasification of Residual Biomass/Poor Coal Blends for Fuel Gas Production
Pan, Y.G., Velo, E., Roca, F.J., Roig, S., Manyà, J.J., Sanchez, G., Puigjaner, L.
Fuel , 79, pp. 1317-1326, Novembre , 2000.
Control de olores industriales en áreas urbanas
Roca, F.J., Corruchaga, A., Folch, J. , Cid, J., Cremades, L.V.
Ingenieria Química, 367, pp. 189-194, Abril, 2000
Estudio de olores industriales en áreas urbanas. Simulación de la dispersión atmosférica de los contaminantes
Cremades, L.V., Roca, F.J., Garcia, D.
Ingeniería Química, 368, pp. 231-238, Mayo, 2000.
Simulation strategies for BFB modelling
Perales, J.F. ; Puigjaner, L.
Récents Progrès en Géniedes Procédés ISBN: 2-910239-50-0, pp. 583-589, 2000.
Reciclado y valorización energética de residuos sólidos urbanos e industriales mediante tecnologías de gasificación
Puigjaner, L., Velo, E., Pan, Y.G., Roca, X.
Ciencia y Tecnologia, Volumen II, ISBN 84-8033-145-3, pp. 301-302, 2001
Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Study of Absorption of H2S from Coal Gas with Regenerable Solid Sorbent for Advanced Power Generation Systems
Perales, J.F., Velo, E., Puigjaner, L.
53rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Industry, Energy & Environment. 6th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction,Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, p. 136. ISBN/ISSN: 0-920804-36-5, 2003
Simulation of Pressure Fluctuations in Bubbling Fluidized Beds
Perales, J.F., Puigjaner, L.
AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, p. 321-326. ISBN/ISSN: 0-8169-0965-2, 2004
Study of odor episodes using analytical and modelling approaches
Soriano, C., Roca, F.J., Alarcón, M.
27th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, Banff (Canada), ISBN 0-3872-8255-6 Springer 2007.
Kinetic behaviour of iron oxide sorbent in hot gas desulfurization
Pan Y.G.; Perales, J.F.; Velo, E,; Puigjaner, L.
Fuel , pp. 1105-1109, 2005.
Development and validation of a method for air quality and nuisance odors monitoring of volatile organic compounds using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desorption system
Ribes, A., Carrera, G., Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Berenguer, M.J., Guardino, X.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1140, pp. 44-55 (2007)
Isocyanatocyclohexane and isothiocyanaotcyclohexane levels in urban and industrial areas and possible emission related activities
Gallego,E, Roca F.J, Perales, J.F., Ribes, A., Carrera, G, Guardino, X., Berenguer, M.J.
Atmospheric Environment, 41, 8228-8240 (2007)
Participació ciutadana en processos de control per la millora de la qualitat de l’aire
Roca, J.F., Perales, J.F., Gallego, E.
Recull de ponències B-37084-2007, I Congrés UPC Sostenibilitat 2015, Juliol , Barcelona, 2007
VOC and PAH emissions from creosote-treated wood in a field storage area
Gallego, E., Perales, F.J., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X., Berenguer, M.J.
Science of Total Environment, 402, 130-138(2008)
Indoor and outdoor BTX levels in Barcelona city metropolitan àrea and Catalan rural areas
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X., Rosell, M.G.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20, 1063-1069 (2008)
Identification of the origin of odour episodes through social participation, chemical control (DT-GC/MS) and numerical modelling
Gallego, E., Alarcon, M., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Soriano, C, Guardino, X.
Atmospheric Environment,42, 8150-8160 (2008)
Simultaneous evaluation of odor episodes and air quality. Methodology to identify air pollutants and their origin combining chemical analysis (TD-GC/MS), social participation and mathematical simulations techniques
Roca, F.J.,Gallego, E., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
Air Quality in the 21 st Century, pp. 139-209, ISBN 978-1-60456-793-9 NovaPublishers, NY, (2008)
Determining indoor air quality and identifying the origin of odour episodes in indoor environments
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X., Berenguer, M.J.
Journal Environmental Sciences, 21, pp.333-339 (2009)
Use of sorbents in air quality control systems
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
Sorbents : Properties, Materials and Applications, pp. 71-108, ISBN 978-1-60741-851-1 NovaPublishers, NY (2009)
Elaboració de mapes de predicció d’impactes aplicats al disseny de xarxes de control i planificació territorial
Perales, J.F, Roca, F.J., Gallego, E.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015, Juliol, Barcelona (2009)
Comparative of the adsorption performance of a multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Tenax TA adsorbent tube for the analysis of volatile organic compounds
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales, Guardino, X.
Talanta, pp. 916-924 (2010)
Agentes químicos en el ámbito sanitario
Belloso, D., Blanco, C., Caldés, A., Gallego, E., Gómez, F.J.
Monografias Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo, Instituto Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, ISBN 978-84-95463-56-2, Madrid (2010)
Estudio cinético del aprovechamiento energético de maderas residuales (y III) : Influencia de la atmosfera de reacción y tipo de madera
Reina, J., Velo, E., Roca, F.J., Puigjaner, L.
Ingeniería Química, 42, p:102 (2010)
Assessment of chemical hazards in sick building syndrome situations. Determination of concentrations and origin of VOCS in indoor air environments by dynamic sampling and TD-GC/MS analysis
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales, Guardino, X.
Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-17918-1p. 289-334, (2011)
Evaluation of the effect of different sampling time periods and ambient air concentrations in the performance of the Radiello® diffusive sampler for the analysis of VOCS through TD-GC/MS
Gallego, E, Roca, F.J., Perales, Guardino, X.
Journal Air Monitoring, 13, p. 2612-2622 (2011)
Comparative study of the adsorption performance of an active multi-sorbent bed tube (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Radiello® diffusive sampler for the analysis of VOCS
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
Talanta, 85, p.662-672 (2011)
Odour control in urban areas originated from multiples focuses. Identification of potencially toxics compounds
Roca, F.J., Gallego, E., Perales, Guardino, X.
Advanced in Environmental Research, ISBN 978-1-61942-785-3, ISN 2158-5717, NovaPublishers, p. 261-288 NY (2011)
Simultaneous evaluation of odour episodes and air quality in urban areas by multi-sorbent sampling and TD-GC/MS analysis
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
Supelco Report 29.3, p.3-5 (2011)
Identification of volatile orgànic compounds (VOC) emitted from three European orchid species with different pollination strategies: two deceptive orchids (Himantoglossum robertianum and Ophrys apifera) and a rewarding orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea)
Gallego, E., Gelabert, A., Roca, F.J.,Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Vol 2, Nº 5, p.18-29, (2012)
Characterization and determination of the odorous charge in the indoor air of a waste treatment facility through the evaluation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) using TD-GC/MS
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Sánchez, G., Esplugas, P.
Waste Management, 32, p. 2469-2481, Julio 2012-11-26, (2012)
Determinación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en el ambiente interior de una planta de tratamiento biológico y su contribución al olor
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Sánchez, G., Esplugas, P.
Residuos, 129, p. 14-19, Junio 2012
TGA study examining the effect of pressure and peak temperature on biochar yield during pyrolysis of two-phase olive mill waste
Manyà, J.J., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 103, p. 86-95, (2013)
Experimental evaluation of VOC removal efficiency of a coconut shell activated carbon filter for indoor air quality enhancement
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.
p. Building andf Environment, 67, p. 14-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.05.003 (2013)
Calidad del aire interior. Contaminantes orgánicos volátiles, olores y confort
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X., Rosell, MªG
Nota Técnica de Prevención (NTP) Nº 972, p. 1-6, Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (2013) NIPO : 272-13-036-3

Compuestos orgánicos volátiles: Determinación ambiental mediante captación en tubos multilecho y análisis DT-CG-EM.

Gallego, E., Roca., F.J., Rosell, MªG., Guardino, X.

Notas Tècnicas de Prevención (NTP), Nº 978, p. 1-6, Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (2013)
Calidad de aire interior. Filtros de carbón activo para su mejora
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X., Rosell, MªG
Notas Técnicas de Prevención (NTP), Nº 989, Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (Accepted 2013)
Surface emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from a closed industrial waste landfill
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.,
Science of the Total Environment, 470-471, p. 587-599 (2013)

Outdoor air 1,3 butadiene monitoring: Comparison of performance of Radiello* passive samplers and active multi-sorbent bed tubesGallego, E., Teixidor, P., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Gadea, E.,Atmospheric Environment, 182, p. 9-16 (2018)

Reducing the indoor odorous charge in waste treatment facilities
Gallego, E., Perales, J.F., Roca, F.J., Sánchez, G.,
International Journal of Waste Resources, 4:136, DOI: 10.4172/2252-5211.1000136 (2014)
Unidades de olor: evaluación de la molestia en ambientes industriales
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X., Gadea, E.,
Notas Técnicas de Prevención (NTP), Nº1102, Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (2014)
Development of a method for determination of VOCs (including methylsiloxanes) in biogas by TD-GC/MS analysis using SupelTM Inert Film bags and multi-sorbent bed tubes
Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X.,
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 95, 4, p. 295-311 (2015)

Impact of formaldehyde and VOCs' from waste treatment plants upon the ambient air nearby an urban area (Spain)"

Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X., Gadea, E., Garrote, P.,

Science of the Total Environment, 568, p. 369-380 (2016)

Formaldehído: Exposición en plantas de tratamiento mecánico biológico de residuos

Gallego, E., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Guardino, X., Gadea, E.,

Notas Técnicas de Prevención Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Nº 1075 (2016)

Volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) concentrations in outdoor air of several Catalan urban areas

Gallego, E., Perales, J.F., Roca, F.J., Guardino, X.,Gadea, E.,

Atmospheric Environment, 155, p. 108-118 (2017),

Outdoor air 1,3 butadiene monitoring: Comparison of performance of Radiello* passive samplers and active multi-sorbent bed tubes

Gallego, E., Teixidor, P., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F., Gadea, E.,

Atmospheric Environment, 182, p. 9-16 (2018)

Levels of Volatile Methyl Siloxanes in Outdoor Air

Gallego, E., Teixidor, P., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F.,

The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, p. 1-25,  Springer, Heidelberg

Outdoor air monitoring: Performance evaluation of a gas sensor to assess episodic nuisance/odorous events using active multi-sorbent bed tube sampling coupled to TD-GC/MS analysis

Gallego, E., Folch, J., Teixidor, P., Roca, F.J., Perales, J.F.

Science of the Total Environment, 694, 133752 (2019) p. 1-12